Shepherd Athletics

The philosophy of the Shepherd athletic program is to provide a Christian athletic environment where commitment, good sportsmanship, and teamwork are present. Additionally, Shepherd aims to prepare students for High School, and to succeed at the next level.
Shepherd participates in competitive athletics for Kinder – 8th grades through the following leagues: ISAL (Independent School Athletic League, SACAL (SA Christian Athletic League, and TCSAAL (Texas Charter School Academic and Athletic League).
Shepherd participates in the following sports throughout the year:
Cross Country (girls and boys)
Basketball (girls and boys)
Flag Football (boys)
Soccer (co-ed team)
Track and Field (girls and boys)
Volleyball (girls)
Golf and other individual sports may also be available depending on student interest and participation.
The number of teams per sport varies by student interest level. Students are assessed a fee for each sport by the schools (amount varies per sport).
Participants on a Shepherd athletic team must provide documented proof of a physical examination within one year of the start of a sports season and must keep a current physical examination form on file with the school office.